Since 1994, we have been successfully assisting buyers and sellers in Canada, USA and abroad. Buying or selling, we are a dedicated group that works in a teamwork environment. Through our strong work ethic and understanding of the pulse of the market place, we’ve built a reputation of honesty and integrity. Not one to go with the flow, we are constantly working on finding ways that enables us to represent buyers and sellers fully and completely.
Our professional staff will meet with you at your boat and provide you with a fair market value assessment. Our dedicated team represents your vessel through our professional marketing and advertising programs in both print and web media channels.
When you appoint us as your marketing company, you’ll have the added benefit of having two offices work for you. Our offices in Granville Island in Vancouver and in Port Sidney Marina in Sidney are excellently situated in high visibility areas. Additionally, we can offer moorage at either of these locations.
CROSS BORDER SHOPPING? Buying a boat in the US or abroad? No problem. Once again, we represent you and your interests from start to finish at no cost to you. When ready to bring your boat into Canada, we have an in-house import specialist to help taking out the guesswork and potential pitfalls of importing.
Yacht Sales West has brand new sailboats and powerboats at our Vancouver and Sidney locations. Call us today because the current inventory is frequently changing. Please check out our pre-owned sailboats or pre-owned powerboats if you are looking for other options.
Bavaria Virtess 420
Bavaria Vida 33
Nautitech 40 Open
Dufour 530 – Make it yours!
Make it your yours today!
Dufour 530
Dufour 470 – Perfect Family Yacht!
ON OUR DOCKS and ready for your next sailing adventure!
Dufour 470
Dufour 41 – SOLD